Choosing Love Over Fear - A Message For Our Times
Photography by Edrick Krozendijk via Unsplash
🎶 You may wish to read the below message while listening to "Life of the Bird" by Cinematic Orchestra. 🎶
Hello friends.
Much has changed in our country since my last newsletter. I know some of you are scared of what’s to come. I’d like to speak to this.
On a cosmic level, I believe we incarnate on Earth for a purpose. We chose to be here on this planet, at this time in history. The question we must ask ourselves is—Why? What did we come here to do?
For myself, I believe I came here to be a force of love and unity. Like you, I am also an imperfect human, and I am capable of feeling fear. I have been sitting with my own fear and grief these past few weeks.
Fear can be a very powerful teacher in that it shows us what we care about most. Fear shows us what we are afraid of losing. Sitting with fear is much like sitting with Death. They can both be a sobering force that asks us to prioritize our time and energy, because we don’t have all the time in the world. This life is precious.
Fear is useful when it shows us what we value, but then it must be transformed into Love. If we choose to act from fear, our choices and actions will not be aligned with our highest soul expression. We may take actions that cause us—and others—greater suffering.
Fear, if left unattended, can spiral into doubt, control, and manipulation. That is what fear does. Fear seeks to have power over that which makes us afraid. Gaia, my beloved guide and Mother, always reminds me: “Do not let fear be your master. You are your own master. You must master yourself.”
If we give into despair and hopelessness now, we will surely lose our way. Every single one of us is needed at this time. Humanity needs us. The planet needs us.
We can channel what we are feeling now into positive momentum to show up for what we love, and to fight for what we believe is right.
There is always hope. Transform your fear, and ask your heart to guide you. It is only love that can save us now. Love is the most powerful force there is.
If you’d like to make positive changes, find a cause that you care about. We must protect the people we love, but we cannot let that love stop at our families or immediate communities, as this can lead to tribalism. We must extend our love to those outside our circles, to the people who are in need, to the people we don’t always agree with.
Love is not petty, it does not choose sides. Love is the umbrella that provides shade for all beings. Love is a sanctuary for which all are welcome to come and rest.
How will you be a sanctuary for others?
Humanity’s next highest evolution of consciousness will come through the heart, not the logical mind. The mind is best used when in service to the heart.
I’d like to invite you to take a moment now to connect with your heart.
Take three slow deep breaths. As you inhale, breathe in love. As you exhale through the mouth, breathe out fear. Release what is not serving you.
Place a hand over your heart now, and ask it what it would like you to do in this moment, today, and in the coming days.
Your heart will never lead you astray. Mother Earth is there with you always. God is there with you, in the heart.
I want each of you to know that you are blessed, you are holy, you are safe. And you are so deeply, deeply loved.
I love you,