Shaman, Astrologer, Hypotherapist

Hello! My name is White Wolf Mystic, and I am a Shaman. I walk with Spirit, and I talk to God. You may also call me Caroline.

My purpose is to help connect people to the core of who they are as divine spiritual beings. I do this through Astrology, Hypnotherapy, Breathwork, Past-Life Regression, and more. Connecting to the Earth, to our hearts, and utilizing the power of our minds is one powerful way to remember who we are, and to gain greater access to clarity, and to the inner wellspring of peace and well-being that lives within us all.

Many of us walk through life with limiting beliefs, stuck behavioral patterns, and expectations placed upon us by others. We don’t always remember who we are, and we struggle to make sense of the unfolding of events in our lives. We encounter challenges or setbacks in our career, relationships, or health, and at times we feel lost as to what to do next. When we are able to recover our inner strength and listen to our hearts instead of the chaotic chatter of the mind, everything else begins to flow more easily.

Through our work together, I can help you to regain your inner vitality, assist you in finding clarity in your life, and help you navigate life’s ups and downs in ways that feel more empowering and true to who you are.


The White Wolf first came to me through a powerful dream in 2014, and she has been walking alongside me ever since. White Wolf Spirit represents instinct, intuition, leadership, spiritual guidance, and strength. She is here to remind us that we are never alone; we are always being guided if we have the courage to seek and follow the path laid out before us.

Meet White Wolf Mystic

Caroline Peters, CCHt

After graduating in 2008 with a Bachelor’s Degree in English from the University of Colorado at Boulder, I set out to try and discover my purpose. I struggled for years with severe depression, suicidal ideation, alcoholism and an eating disorder. Feeling completely lost—-I moved from place to place, frequently changing jobs, not knowing what I was good at or what I was meant to do. It felt near impossible to make positive behavioral changes in my life; I couldn’t seem to kick my bad habits.

Astrology was the first tool I discovered, and this ancient practice not only helped me find my place in the Universe, it also greatly helped to alleviate my depression and gave me a sense of hope for the future. I then found God, and Gaia (Mother Earth) through prayer, spirit animals and spirit medicine, meditation, shamanic journeying and hypnotherapy, which aided me in finally breaking years-old patterns that were keeping me stuck in the past. I have now been sober for over 4 years, and have made great changes in my relationship with food.

In 2024 I completed over 500 hours of training in Clinical & Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Breathwork, and Past-Life Regression through the Institute for Interpersonal Hypnotherapy.

I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of these tools for spiritual growth and wellbeing, and it is my deepest desire and calling to share these tools with you. Freedom and peace are available to you whenever you are ready to receive them.

Let’s work together.


“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Luke 11:9


Astrology, Hypnotherapy, Breathwork, Past-Life Regression and more…