The Lion’s Gate Portal on 8/8

The Lion's Gate portal opens every year at the end of July, closing mid-August, with it's most potent date being August 8th, or 8/8. 

Ancient Egyptian astrologers viewed the Lion's Gate Portal---the date when the Earth and the Sun in Leo line up with the star Sirius in Orion's belt---as an auspicious date where massive energy pours from the cosmos down onto the Earth, and aligns with the Pyramid of Giza. 

Many believe that on this date, energetic light codes are transmitted to Earth at hyper-speed, and we are given the opportunity to ascend our consciousness. 

Now, this may sound like a lot of New Age-y lingo, but the Egyptians knew their shit. They were a highly advanced civilization for their time. 

In my experience, working with the Lion's Gate has been nothing short of miraculous and potent. I am a true believer.

So how can you make the most of this sacred cosmic energy portal?

1. Ground & Protect. When doing any ritual, always start with grounding and protection. Place your feet on the ground, visualize your energy cord descending beneath you and tethering to the core of the Earth. Then ask for the golden-white light of Source energy to rain down upon you, cleansing you of any fear or negativity. Set the intention to only have experiences that are of the highest and best good for all beings everywhere. You are here to be and embody love.

2. Focus on what you want to call forth in your life. Get clear on your dreams and goals. Make a list, vision board, or sit in meditation, visualize, chant, etc.

3. Identify what habits/situations are no longer serving you and are keeping you from stepping into your power as a Divine Cosmic Being. Set the intention to surrender them.

4. Pray to the Universe to be shown how you can best be of service to the world.

5. Be ready for massive shifts!

DISCLAIMER: Whatever you ask for can and will result in shifting in your life, and this may include your relationships. The first time I did a Lion's Gate ritual, I asked to experience love that was mutually beneficial and empowering. The next day, I got into an argument with the guy I'd been dating for 8 months, and we broke up. I was blindsided as I was not anticipating this! Lion's Gate Portals are very similar to eclipse portals in that they create a vacuum, where anything that doesn't align with your intention gets sucked out. In my case, in hindsight, I understand why that split needed to happen, because there wasn't a healthy balance of giving or mutual respect in that connection. But man was I shocked at how fast things moved! No need to fear, the Lion's Gate cannot cause you harm, it is a powerful influx of energy that can help you self-actualize in ways that will benefit you and those around you. Be prepared to grow!

Want a personalized reading with me to prepare you for the Lion's Gate and the upcoming August transits? Book a session with me.


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