Thinking of Death Can Help Us To Truly Live.
Caroline Peters Caroline Peters

Thinking of Death Can Help Us To Truly Live.

I like thinking of Death as a companion that walks the road of life with me. It makes it sound less menacing, like this companion is more of a friend. Death can be our friend, if we keep him close to our hearts as a reminder that this life is so short and fleeting.

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Feeling Lost or Stuck?
Caroline Peters Caroline Peters

Feeling Lost or Stuck?

People often reach out to me due to feeling lost or stuck in life or in their present circumstances. They may have recently lost a job, a relationship, are going through a midlife crisis, or are feeling stagnant and don’t know how to move forward in order to create a life of meaning and fulfillment.

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Grieving Lost Opportunities
Caroline Peters Caroline Peters

Grieving Lost Opportunities

When we are young and are first discovering ourselves and the world around us, life feels full of possibilities. The sky is the limit, and our dreams are rich, varied, and full. Our bucket lists are long, and it feels as though we have all the time in the world to see everything we want to see, do everything we want to do, and become who we feel destined to become.

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